Workout: “Angie”

Yesterday’s workout….


100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

via CrossFit Denton County.

Yesterday was a rough one.  I debated doing this workout Rx’d or not and I’m really glad I talked to Casey and we decided I should do the scaled at 75 reps. 

The pull ups were hard from the beginning because #1 I forgot my gloves and #2 the pull up bar was ridiculously sticky and yucky so it hurt and grossed me out at the same time so they took me a long time.  I did 20 right off the bat and then did the rest in sets of 10 and sometimes 5.

Push ups started to get rough at about 30.  I was really having a hard time keeping my core tight and pulling my thighs up off the ground with my chest.  It ended up looking more like a worm than a push up.  About 5 total were done on my knees at various points during the set.

Sit ups were okay.  Hard.  But not as hard as I thought.  Although…I started getting a little sick to my stomach about halfway through…(reminder of whatever workout I didn’t finish). It was really hard to get those last 40 or so done.

I was so relieved to get to the squats because, of all the things in this workout, those are my strongest skill.  I busted through the squats in just over a minute.  My goal was to finish under 18 minutes and I finished in 18:01 (dangit!)

Even still, this is a tremendous improvement over my time from November.  November my time was 18:36 (I think?????) and I did 65 reps of everything instead of 75.  So…35 seconds less, plus 40 reps…I’ll take it! 🙂

Workout: 1 Mile Run & Tabata KB Swings

The workout last Wednesday was…

Pull-ups 4×5
*If you can’t do them weighted, do every set as negatives

1 Mile Run

Tabata 8 rnds of :20 on/:10 off
KB Swings

via CrossFit Denton County.

I wasn’t looking forward to this one because…duh…its running. However it was a huge motivation to get up and go to the 5 a.m. because I did NOT want to run in the 105* heat later that night. 82*>105*.

I did negatives for my pull ups since I cannot do them unassisted. The first two sets I didn’t use any band and plopped helplessly to the bottom of the pull up in about a second…but probably less. The last two sets I decided to use a blue band (a lighter one than the green) to assist me with the negatives. This worked out much better for me and I was able to do about a 5 second negative. I was happy with them but it did make me realize how little I’ve improved on my pull ups and how I should be working more on them than I currently do. (And for the record…I was sore from these for 5 days. Probably pulled my lats on the first two sets. It hurt horribly to put on deodorant because of it!)

By the time I got to the run I was determined that I would run the entire thing without stopping. This is pretty freaking big for me because I sometimes have to walk on 800s. Let alone an entire mile. I forgot my iPod shuffle (that we bought for the sole purpose of lengthy CrossFit runs…oops) so that made me mad.

There was a word on the board that it said not to do. I think it may have been “Lope.” As in “Don’t lope!” (someone correct me if I’m wrong on what the exact word was) (6/17 update: I’ve been corrected. The word was ‘loaf’)I didn’t know what it meant so I asked David. He said, “You know what it is if you do it.” So, I decided I don’t do it since I don’t know what it is. (In case you’re wondering…this does have relevance to my story…:))

So we start out on the mile on the relatively cool and breezy morning and…it felt good. Huh? Running…felt…….good??? Yep. Amazingly, it did. I was giving this mile run everything I had. I was focusing on my breathing, my form and not stopping. David drove to meet us at a point along the path to make sure no one got lost. I heard him yell out his window, “That’s loafing!! Now stop and start running!” I thought he was talking to me and it made me a little mad. I was really trying as hard as I could. Nevertheless, I kept going. When I rounded the curve of the last turn, I ran as hard as I could for the last 400 m (approximately).

I got back and felt like death but David came by and told me I did a great job. I was really proud of myself for running the entire thing. That was the accomplishment for me. Looking back after the run, I’m not entirely convinced David was talking to me. It could have been someone behind me OR he was just trying to get under my skin so I would work harder.

1 mile run time: 9:03 pretty awful, huh?

The “cash out” wasn’t really a “cash out” at all. It should have been called “WOD #2!” Boy was I tired after that one. I used a 26# kettle bell and my tabata score was 9. I got 10 reps on every round except for round 5 (9 1/2) and round 8 (9). Tabata is a form of interval training where for 20 seconds you do as many reps of X exercise (in this case, KB swings) as you can and then you rest 10 seconds. You repeat this cycle 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. Your score is the least number of reps within the 8 intervals.

I was proud of my performance through both of these WODs. I wished my tabata could have been 10 but those two rounds I just couldn’t get it. I also wished my 1 mile time could have been better. Nine minutes is ridiculous, but it’s a start.

Been traveling this week so tomorrow and Friday will be my only times I’m able to go this week, which makes me sad. Next week should be a full week but then the next week, back to Little Rock so it’ll be another 2, maybe 3 day CrossFit week. Unfortunately, the CrossFit in LR charges $15/day so I can’t hardly afford to pay $45/week to go there when I’m in town. Oh well…maybe a couple workouts in my room!
