Workout: CrossFit Total

Wednesday we did the CrossFit Total.  Here’s a rundown of what the CrossFit total is from the CrossFit Journal.  To read the entire article, just click the link.

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift. All three lifts are done while standing on the floor. They require minimal and inexpensive equipment. They are not technique- dependent to the extent of the Olympic lifts, yet they require technical proficiency beyond mere passing familiarity. They are safe when performed correctly, since they can all be performed without spotters—alone in a garage if necessary.

via The CrossFit Total by Mark Rippetoe – CrossFit Journal.

Soo…last Wednesday it was:

CrossFit Total

Find your 1 Rep Max in:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

You find your “total” by adding all three maxes together.

via CrossFit Denton County.

I had to do this alone because I made it up.  We were supposed to do this on Tuesday but I didn’t get my lazy butt out of bed to go to the workout.  My last CFT was 390#.  A PR (personal record) by FAR.  I hoped this CFT would get me some higher numbers.  I didn’t expect much, but I at least expected to stay the same.  Unfortunately, I went down…way down…in my numbers.  My CFT this time was 350#.  ~waaahhh waaahhhh~!

Back Squats were first.  I know the problem on this one.  I didn’t do enough warm up sets and I went too heavy too fast. In fact, on my first attempt at 10# under my last 1RM (1 rep max), I had to bail out of the lift.  That was disheartening.  Matt came over and put my bar back up on the racks so I could try again.  I went down to 110 and tried again.  Then my third attempt was at 135 and that was really tough.  Like.  really.

Shoulder press I didn’t expect much from and I certainly didn’t get much from.  My first max on this one was 60# and my last one was 65#.  This time I started at 45 (the bar) and worked my way up 5# at a time.  I got to 65 and had to actually make the attempt twice in order to get it.  So I almost went down on this one too!  At least I stayed the same though, right?

Deadlifts are my favorite lift in CrossFit.  I get a little giddy inside when I see them on the board.  Skill, Strength, WOD…whatever.  I like them.  I was super proud of my last 1RM at 170# and I really thought I would have no problem matching that and probably exceeding it by 10 or so.  Boy was I wrong.  My warm up sets proved to be a lot harder than I had originally intended.  I ended at 150#…down 20#

So, that puts my entire CFT down 40#.  What a bummer.  But at the same time, its a wake up call. I have not been as dedicated or as consistent as I should be since the last time we did a total.  I guess everyone needs a little wake up once and a while!

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Thanks for reading!  ~*~JL~*~

Workout: “Jackie”

Monday our WOD was “Jackie.”

Back Squat 2×12


1000m Row
50 Thrusters (m-45#, w-35#)
30 Pull-ups

Compare to 10-5-10.

via CrossFit Denton County.


Back squats were at 85# and were pretty challenging.  I should have gone up to 90# but decided just to keep it at 85.  My form felt good and I’m doing a much better job of keeping on my heels.

I was excited when I saw rowing…then I realized we were doing thrusters.  Crap! The bane of my existence! (next to running…)  I have never done a workout well or a workout I’ve enjoyed that included thrusters.  (Especially that time Lindsey made us do a tabata thruster WOD. OMG)  Well, I did the scaled which was a 750m row, 30 thrusters @ 15# and 20 pull ups (I used green & red bands).   I finished in 5:55 and I blasted through the thrusters, only stopping to rest my legs once.  The pull ups were unbroken.  I really should have done the thrusters at 35# and the pull ups with either green/purple or just the green.  I did Jackie back in October but I did not record my time so I have no idea how or if I’ve progressed.  Who am I kidding?  I know I progressed.  I could barely even do a thruster back then…

So, overall, pretty happy with my results!  Will definitely push myself further next time!